unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com


the little things that matter

17 apr. 2013. After many years of mental analysis and consideration I have come to the conclusion that you die the way you're born: naked and alone. Hopefully, and happy. The love of your life, again, might leave you for another. You wake up one morning next to someone who's been there all these years, yet you feel lonely as hell. Asking yourself what you've done wrong, won't help. And just like that, the promises you made that your family will stick together this time, get broken as well. Well, do it!














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the little things that matter | unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com Reviews
17 apr. 2013. After many years of mental analysis and consideration I have come to the conclusion that you die the way you're born: naked and alone. Hopefully, and happy. The love of your life, again, might leave you for another. You wake up one morning next to someone who's been there all these years, yet you feel lonely as hell. Asking yourself what you've done wrong, won't help. And just like that, the promises you made that your family will stick together this time, get broken as well. Well, do it!
1 happiness =
2 reading
3 shopping
4 music
5 the sunlight
6 scris de cris
7 0 comentarii
8 trimiteţi prin e mail
9 postaţi pe blog
10 distribuiţi pe twitter
Page content here
happiness =,reading,shopping,music,the sunlight,scris de cris,0 comentarii,trimiteţi prin e mail,postaţi pe blog,distribuiţi pe twitter,distribuiţi pe facebook,trimiteți către pinterest,the forgotten,a tree,a wall,everything,marie,deocamdata,sper,e bine

the little things that matter | unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com Reviews


17 apr. 2013. After many years of mental analysis and consideration I have come to the conclusion that you die the way you're born: naked and alone. Hopefully, and happy. The love of your life, again, might leave you for another. You wake up one morning next to someone who's been there all these years, yet you feel lonely as hell. Asking yourself what you've done wrong, won't help. And just like that, the promises you made that your family will stick together this time, get broken as well. Well, do it!


unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com

the little things that matter: martie 2011


22 mar. 2011. Oricum nu suntem nimic. " Noi. Nu existam. Totusi, ma poti atinge, ma poti vedea, imi poti vorbi si iti pot vorbi la randul meu. Dar cine sunt? A cui e mintea asta, al cui e corpul, al cui e sufletul, ale cui sunt gandurile, faptele, obiceiurile? Ale mele, toate. Eu. Cristina. Dar nu e de ajuns. (serios, cateodata mi se pare ca e cel mai comun nume din lume! Suntem o armata uriasa de bucati de carne cu griji, probleme, masini, case, caini. Nu pot sa nu fac. Asta, pentru ca asa sunt eu.


the little things that matter: mai 2011


Rain rain, don't go away. Imi place cand ploua. lumea se uita foarte ciudat la mine cand zic asta, dar mereu mi-a placut. cand eram mica si ploua ma opream din orice activitate si stateam sa ascult fiecare sunet si fiecare picatura care cadea pe acoperis. E mai, cica ultima luna de primavara. dar ploua incontinuu si e frig. deci hai sa stam in casa azi, sa citim ceva frumos, sau sa bem ceva bun sau. nu-i asa ca e o vreme perfecta pentru asta? Abonați-vă la: Postări (Atom). Rain rain, dont go away.


the little things that matter: The Forgotten.


14 apr. 2013. When you cry yourself to sleep, when you're shaking so hard you can't even breathe, when you're freezing at 95 degrees in the summer. That's when you know you've hit it. That's when you know there's no turning back. But why does it also happen to people who truly care about each other and promise each other a life full of happines and togetherness and fluffy clouds with no chance of raining? Why do people grow apart, when they grew up together? Can you go on knowing that you once were the m...


the little things that matter: februarie 2011


13 feb. 2011. When it's over, is it really over? Mi-am promis ca asta este ziua in care incetez sa mai sufar, in care pun punct, nu pentru ca vreau ci pentru ca trebuie. Am decis ca unele lucruri se termina si nu sta in puterea noastra sa le readucem la viata. Ma simteam obosita, de parca in toti acesti ani tot ce am simtit a fost o minciuna, de parca dragostea asta nu a fost niciodata cu adevarat in sufletul meu, ci doar in mintea mea si in gandul ca "asta trebuie sa simt". Daca eram o planeta, as fi fo...


the little things that matter: happiness = ???


17 apr. 2013. After many years of mental analysis and consideration I have come to the conclusion that you die the way you're born: naked and alone. Hopefully, and happy. The love of your life, again, might leave you for another. You wake up one morning next to someone who's been there all these years, yet you feel lonely as hell. Asking yourself what you've done wrong, won't help. And just like that, the promises you made that your family will stick together this time, get broken as well. Well, do it!





the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: 4 ianuarie...sau "nu o alta scrisoare de femeiusca amorezata"


Joi, 6 ianuarie 2011. 4 ianuarie.sau "nu o alta scrisoare de femeiusca amorezata". Cine are ochi sa vada si minte sa inteleaga stie ca nu este o scrisoare de dragoste 8-). Te vreau langa mine. Si-n acelasi timp te detest nespus. Stiu ca ma pot baza pe tine. Dar oamenii detesta ceea ce nu pot intelege. Siguranta ta,imi da fiori. Zambetul tau,ma ridica peste nori. Ma simt ca un soarece prins intr-o cursa. Imi dau seama de problemele mele de care nu eram constienta si vreau sa fug. Totul trebuie sa dispara.

the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: februarie 2012


Luni, 20 februarie 2012. Asa ca azi doar voi expune niste idei ce mi-au trecut prin gand in timp ce asteptam tramvaiul ,spre casa,pe un peron aglomerat ,pe o banca semi-inzapezita, intr-o lumina difuza. Acum am o umbra de speranta ca ,viata asta este doar o imensa piesa de teatru si ca, pe parcursul ei , personajele secundare , nu sunt doar personaje episodice si ca acestea vor mai intra in scena pentru ca publicul le vrea, pentru ca publicului ii este dor de ele. Abonați-vă la: Postări (Atom). Ceașca de...

the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: 6 ianuarie


Joi, 6 ianuarie 2011. Travka zambetul tau. cu dedicatie. Travka - Zambetul tau. Asculta mai multe audio diverse. Editat pe 13 ianuarie,intr-o joi dupa o ora de filosofie si inca una in circ la o cafea. Daca am fi fost doar doua concepte de existenta. Ne-am fi potrivit reciproc. Ne-am fi contopit si am fi creat un tot. Pace si razboi,. Bocanci si flori,. Nu pot coexista unul fara celalalt. Filozofia mea n-ar fi existat fara impulsivitatea ta. Calmul meu -fara lupta ta. Zambetul tau fara depresia mea,.

the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: februarie 2011


Sâmbătă, 19 februarie 2011. Refulari ale gandiri.Nimic important. Traieste-ti ziua ca si cum ar fi ultima. Spune ce gandesti. si fi cum vrei tu sa fi fara sa te gandesti ce gandesc cei din jurul tau despre actiunile tale. Nu pentru ca este un status gasit pe google. nu pentru ca este un citat de nu stiu ce scriitor faimos.si daca este atat de famos inseamna ca are dreptate. Ci pentru ca ce e in trecut nu poate fi recuperat,. Ce este in trecut nu poate fi destorsionat. Asta fac in mod normal.Si atunci...

the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: Don't worry be happy :D


Sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011. Don't worry be happy :D. Nu stiu daca valium ul si cicocolata chiar au efectul dorit sau e ceva pe fond psihic. gen pastilutza asta o sa ma faca sa ma simt mai bine. chiar nu mi dau seama. si drept urmare de azi inainte nu o sa mai umblu la rezerva secreta a lui mami de valium. cel mai bun antidepresiv e soarele. antidepresiv,hah? Ma auzi ce spun? Am 18 si viata e frumoasa.va iubesc pe toti si la un moment dat o sa va dati seama si voi;). Don't Worry Be Happy!

the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: iunie 2011


Marți, 14 iunie 2011. Oot : o poveste despre doi prieteni buni de ai mei. N gol, parcă spune " Vorbe. Ş te- nu m. Ş i de aici - du-te danseaz. Ş ti la mare. Ş i asa va fi". De cortine roşii, parcă captiv, parcă oprit in loc - se văd case şi pomi ce dansează ritmul vântului. case- case de la mare, imbrățişate de cenuşiul nopții. N seara aceea , cu două suflete certate, unul tăcut ce. Nchidea marea în ochi-. Şi celălalt - marea tumultoasă ce se spărgea de corneea şi cristalinul primului. În ochii lui, plin.

the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com the-kid-who-sold-the-world.blogspot.com

Sepia: Amorous art


Duminică, 25 noiembrie 2012. Picturi ce s-au iubit doar în al lor nume,. Entităţi opuse atârnate de un ciob de lume . Vopsea peste condei generând noi clişee,. Minciuni astfel rupte din singurătăţile mele. Ce e adevărat nu poate fi scris. Perceptia este anulată de jocul promis. Nu se va mai permite,. Pentru fericirea altora întodeauna trebuie să faci un compromis. 15 februarie 2013, 16:37. Abonați-vă la: Postare comentarii (Atom). Mi arunc un ochi peste:. 2 oameni buni la toate.

2oamenibunilatoate.wordpress.com 2oamenibunilatoate.wordpress.com

Orasul meu | 2 oameni buni la toate


2 oameni buni la toate. Preventing boredom since '92. De Andrei pe octombrie 29, 2009. Postat in by Andrei. 3 Răspunsuri to “Orasul meu”. Asa e in fiecare oras. Said this on octombrie 29, 2009 la 7:00 am. Andrei.ai drepatate.si la mine a fost la fel.de fapt mereu e la fel.povestea e mereu aceeasi,dar cu alte personaje.Bucurestiul e acelasi.niciodata nu se va schimba.poate doar modul nostru de a-l vedea s-a schimbat un pic.:):D…imi place post-ul.:):P. Said this on octombrie 29, 2009 la 9:30 am.

2oamenibunilatoate.wordpress.com 2oamenibunilatoate.wordpress.com

Marcat | 2 oameni buni la toate


2 oameni buni la toate. Preventing boredom since '92. Tarziu,e deja a doua zi abea s-a terminat filmu.E primu film dupa foarte multi ani care m-a marcat un film in care modu de gandire si principiile unui om sunt bine stabilite.Genial film,doar atat am vrut sa va zic pentru ca e excelent. Astept pareri la reply sper sa il vedeti. De raresh pe decembrie 16, 2009. Postat in by Raresh. Lasă un răspuns Anulează răspuns. Introdu aici comentariul tău. Adresa niciodată făcută publică). Blogu lu' Amyyy.

2oamenibunilatoate.wordpress.com 2oamenibunilatoate.wordpress.com

decembrie | 2009 | 2 oameni buni la toate


2 oameni buni la toate. Preventing boredom since '92. Arhiva pentru decembrie, 2009. Bull; decembrie 16, 2009 • Lasă un comentariu. Postat in by Raresh. Bull; decembrie 3, 2009 • 3 comentarii. Postat in by Raresh. Blogu lu' Amyyy. Blogu lu' Ana. Blogu lu' Cris. Blogu lu' Crizzi. Blogu lu' Emma. Blogu lu' Lizzy. Blogu lu' Mihai Viteazu. Blogu lu' Mihnea. Blogu lu' Roxana. Blogu lu' Sofia. Blogu lu' Sorina. Blog la WordPress.com. 2 oameni buni la toate.





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The Unbreakable Product Owner | Product owners are MADE, not born. This blog is about how to make yourself into that super hero product owner of legend.

The Unbreakable Product Owner. Product owners are MADE, not born. This blog is about how to make yourself into that super hero product owner of legend. Superpower #11 – Climbing Down. March 11, 2013. As you probably know, the agile manifesto. Is purposely short on details and long on spirit. In fact, it is so short on details it fits very easily in a blog post:. Manifesto for Agile Software Development. We are uncovering better ways of developing. Software by doing it and helping others do it. It is impo...

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Szukaj w tej witrynie. SZKŁO NIE JEST (ZAWSZE ) ZE SZKŁA. SZKLANKI KTÓRE SIĘ NIE TŁUKĄ. Dlaczego zmieniać szklanki na nietłuczące się szklanki? Ponieważ nietłuczące się szklanki są TAŃSZE i patrząc z dłuższej perspektywie ich. Żywotność starczy na dłużej niż zwykłe szklanki. Mniejsze zużycie na materiale:. Rozbite szkło nie zostanie wdeptane w podłogę. Pozytywna opinia w lokalnych mediach:. Robisz coś dla bezpieczeństwa klientów oraz swoich pracowników. Mniej sprzątania w lokalu:.

unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com unbreakableprinciples.blogspot.com

the little things that matter

17 apr. 2013. After many years of mental analysis and consideration I have come to the conclusion that you die the way you're born: naked and alone. Hopefully, and happy. The love of your life, again, might leave you for another. You wake up one morning next to someone who's been there all these years, yet you feel lonely as hell. Asking yourself what you've done wrong, won't help. And just like that, the promises you made that your family will stick together this time, get broken as well. Well, do it!

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Unbreakable | Drama "Into all the world!"

Drama Into all the world! Stay updated via RSS. Millar’s Mission’s Conference. And We’re Off! It’s Good For You. Posted: August 11, 2014 in Uncategorized. Riding the Bee in Tisdale SK. Unbreakable has had quite the summer! Partnering with camps and churches in Latvia, Germany, Saskatchewan and Ontario. The coming fall will take us across Canada and into the Northeastern states! Bringing Christ to the unbeliever and affirming Christ in the believer. 8230; that is our mandate! Put it perfectly when he said...

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never give up | whats meant to be will be.

I am responsible for my own happiness. I don’t depend on anyone to make me feel complete, whole or satisfied. On: October 3, 2008. Its been my mistake to include”. Just a note to those who are curious. On: September 15, 2008. On: August 21, 2008. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes everywhere in the world. When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out. Just some amazing stuff humans can do.

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UnbreakableRachel (Rachel) - DeviantArt

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Unbreakable Relationships Network

Friday, 23 January 2015. LOVE IS NOT BLIND: CHECK OUT THE PRODUCT BEFORE YOU FALL FOR IT-PART 2. Unbreakable Relationships : Singles And Married Couples. Click here to read the part 1 of this article.   To assess quality and value means you have . Read more. Friday, 16 January 2015. LOVE IS NOT BLIND: CHECK OUT THE PRODUCT BEFORE YOU FALL FOR IT-PART 1. Unbreakable Relationships : Singles And Married Couples. Saturday, 6 September 2014. 60 Tips to have an affair - with your own spouse/partner! Monday, 31...